
Instruments of Praise Ministry

This ministry praises God through liturgical dance. Our youth enrich worship at UBC and in the community through the beauty and movement of their inspirational performances. Ages 6-17.

Mime Ministry

This ministry praises God through mime dance to enrich worship at UBC and in the community through the beauty and movement of their inspirational performances. Ages 6-17.

Youth Missionary Ministry

This ministry's purpose is to enlist and train children and youth to live Christian lives, to study the Bible, to engage in missionary work and to share their faith in Christ. The Youth Missionary circle undertakes community projects and participates in the Durham Missionary Union.

Boy Scouts

Is an organization that provides young boys an opportunity to learn community and civic values and principles as they acquire life skills, build self-esteem and grow towards responsible men. We have troops for various age ranges: the Weblows, Cub scouts, Boy scouts and Eagle scouts.

Girl Scouts

Is an organization that provides an opportunity for girls to learn civic values and participate in activities that help strengthen leadership skills, develop self-esteem, and develop new friendships. There are troops for all ages including Daisies, Brownies, Girl Scouts and Cadets.