UBC care is committed to accompanying you on journey to both holiness and wholeness. Our Congregational team is trained to minister to you in your moments of stress, sorrow, and setback.
Is this Page for You?
Jesus tell us in John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Trouble will befall upon all of God’s children, but the good news of John 16:33 is that we can triumph over trouble, because Christ has overcome the world. UBC care ministry wants to journey with you as you overcome challenges on your Christian walk.
Are you battling with depression?
Are you seeking a counselor that can offer a biblical worldview?
Are you battling martial problems or managing life after a divorce?
Have you experienced bereavement?
Do you seek the presence of a minister at the hospital?
Are you battling with an addiction?